New EWTN Series “Priests and Deacons: Ministers of Mercy” Now Airing!

Priests and Deacons: Ministers of Mercy on EWTN


Father Brian Mullady, O.P. and Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers examine the inherent blessings and tribulations connected with living the ministry of priest and deacon in the Catholic Church. This series is meant to help the laity better understand the issues and safeguards involved in the ministerial life of priests and deacons who are dedicated to faithful and fruitful service in the Church.

Watch the first episode HERE!

Watch “Priests and Deacons: Ministers of Mercy” on EWTN online HERE  (scroll down to WATCH LIVE), or on your local cable/satellite network.

Air Times in the United States & Canada:

Sundays: 1:00 PM ET

Mondays:  7:00 PM ET

Tuesdays:  2:30 AM ET

Here is the episode list:

Episode 1 – What is the Grace of Ministry? Not everyone is called to the priesthood or diaconate. Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers and Fr. Brian Mullady explore the vocation of ordination and show why ordination requires a special grace because it entails more than just a profession but involves an indelible character and a change to a new way of life.

Episode 2 – What are the Cornerstones of Formation for Ministry? The four cornerstones of the formation for ministry are human, intellectual, spiritual and pastoral. Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers and Fr. Brian Mullady discuss the importance of each aspect and how they relate to the development of both priests and deacons.

Episode 3 – Problems in Liturgical Ministry, Part One The liturgy has a long tradition going back to the Apostles. Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers and Fr. Brian Mullady speak of the problem of liturgical obedience and ritual performance And why is so important to maintain the integrity of the Mass.

Episode 4 – Problems in Liturgical Ministry, Part Two Liturgical integrity can often be abused. Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers and Fr. Brian Mullady discuss the importance of adhering to the norms with special regard given marriage and funerals.

Episode 5 – Human Accessibility Priests and deacons are ministers to Christ’s people. Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers and Fr. Brian Mullady examine the necessity of not just waiting for people to come to the ministers, but of going out to them as Jesus did in their world. The discussion will include how to remain in the world but not of the world.

Episode 6 – Intellectual Formation This episode will examine the special problem of intellectual formation for ministry. This includes in the seminary or diaconal formation program and ongoing intellectual formation.

Episode 7 – Affective Formation This episode will examine all the problems involved in how ministers deal with sexuality, affection and friendship. For deacons it includes marriage and for priests the glories and demands of celibacy. Special attention will be given to the recent pedophilia crisis and how sexual demands have led to the demise of even very orthodox priests.

Episode 8 – Fraternal Correction This episode will emphasize the importance of peer evaluation and correction. It will emphasize the importance of clerical friendship and the fact that only a cleric can truly understand what another cleric is going through. This friendship includes the responsibility of fraternal correction if a minister friend is not living something vital about his vocation.

Episode 9 – Correcting Media Images and Information This episode will treat the strange anti-clerical images presented by the media. They will be examined and evaluated for their truth and falsity.

Episode 10 – Authority and Obedience This episode will emphasize the necessity of obedience to ecclesiastical superiors. This will include its domain and limitations. It will also treat of what true obedience is and how obedience promotes humility and authenticity in one’s vocation.

Episode 11 – Money and Poverty This episode will examine the whole problem of clerical wealth and poverty. This will include the nature of voluntary poverty or a simply life style and also the dangers of wealth and success posed to the cleric. The pitfall of simony will also be treated.

Episode 12 – Ongoing Formation This episode will treat of the need for ongoing formation, especially when it comes to spirituality and study of the faith. This will include the necessity of confessors and spiritual directors keeping up to date on the latest findings in psychology and morality.

Episode 13 – Summary and Evaluation This episode summarizes the main points of the series.

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