In Thanksgiving for My Wife

When God decided to take love—the very heart and essence of His being (1 John 4:16)— and place that love within Man, male and female made in His image and likeness (Genesis 1:27), that love first took root, first established a home and formed a foundation within the heart of the woman first. A woman is the very heart of God’s love.  Women, by their very nature, have a special relationship with the Holy Spirit as bearers and givers of life.

My wife gives life to me through her unwavering love and support of my work in the Lord’s vineyard, which sometimes keeps me away from home for long stretches of time.  Even though she doesn’t travel with me, we are a team and her role in evangelization is just as important as mine.  We are in this together!  While I am out preaching and teaching to the universal Church, she is taking care of things in the domestic church, the church of the home.        
Since the Holy Spirit speaks through her, I have come to learn the great value of listening to my wife—not just to her words but to her heart.  My wife’s wisdom has allowed me to become a better husband to her and a better father to my children.  Sometimes I’m so busy that I don’t take time to appreciate the great gift from God that she is.  Shame on me.  We’ve been through so much together during these past eighteen years and have not forgotten that Jesus Christ is the heart and center of our married lives.
So this Thanksgiving, make sure to tell your spouse how much you love and appreciate them … then have that second slice of pie!

9 Comments on “In Thanksgiving for My Wife”

  • Hello Deacon Burke Sivers,

    Thank you for your inspiration and knowing that you went through in your life without a father in the home to nurture you. I appreciate any kind of writing or comments you may have about the perspective of a man to a woman role and that of Father to female child. I am asking so, because I suffered greatly from not having a real father image in the home. There was no male role modeling for me. Especially in areas when you needed one to stand up for you. There were just problems. I would love to read, view anything you may have that would now help mature female children to be nurtured and healed from within.
    thank you so very much

    God bless you in your work and your family.


    Diane in western Canada

    PS please keep me in prayer

  • Sabrina


    I love your genuine enthusiasm and inspiring instructions on ewtn. Please forgive my forwardness, but I am expressing my concern for your increase in weight. I know from my loved ones experiences, that you may be very cognizant of the problem and attempted to resolve it by various attempts at dieting. Deacon, please try the intermittent 16/8 regime or the fasting 3 days and eating 4 days. I am sure you can consult with your doctor and then offer the sacrifice to Our Lord for the good of God,your family and your ministry.

    • That show was several years ago. Obviously, you haven’t looked at my website or social media and saw that I have lost 80 pounds. God bless!

  • Mari


    Dear Decon Harrold,
    Your weight does not get in the way of your answering God’s call to holiness. I personaly know that God did not give the same metabolism to all of us and that eating right does not guarantee that we’ll all be a “perfect size 6”. I have insulin resistance and eat healthy enough to have no diabetes, no high cholesterol, etc., but skinny is not a gift to me (as it is to many other people that vainly give themselves credit for their God-given healthy metabolism that can utilize all normal foods instead of turning them straight into fat, as mine does). Studies further show and my own body is proof that there are more and more over-weight healthy people than we think! Chubby saints are my favorite! Servant of God, Therese Neumann, was a most holy woman that lived solely on the Holy Eucharist for much of her life and she was heavy set! God loves all sizes, God bless you with a long an healthy life Deacon, we need you helping us on the way to our conversion, please pray for us!

  • Jenn


    Dear Decon Harold
    Just wanted to say I listen to you every morning on EWTN radio morning glory. I enjoy listening it. You are an inspiration. God Bless you and your family.

    • Thank you very much! Have a blessed Easter!

      • MM


        Thank you for the information this morning on Yelp. I was not aware of it and I remove the app from my phone. Keep up the good work.

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